NEW Business models for ITS

The NEWBITS project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The overall objective is to accelerate C-ITS deployment.

    To support its main goal, the project proposes to:

  • apply a business ecosystem approach for C- ITS which acknowledges the context of economics of networks by introducing a higher conceptual level than that of individual organisations, focusing at how organisations create value within the context of the networks in which they interoperate;
  • design and implement a holistic intelligence process that will gather key information and indicators on market, demand, stakeholder’s involvement and innovation diffusion for ITS and C-ITS;
  • develop a tailored application of the Value Network Analysis (VNA) business modelling method, which enables to the organizations acting in the business ecosystems;
  • formalise the enhanced understanding of the potential system benefits and fundamental economics of new business models suited towards C-ITS deployment.

The NEWBITS partners include Ortelio Ltd (United Kingdom) – project coordinato di Studi per l’Integrazione dei Sistemi (Italy).


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