Case Study – Amoreantos

Unisex Jewellery  – Amoreantos

“That is an absolute stunner like your jewellery…
love the birth of the name.”

The tweet from Giovanni Spano from Bat Out of Hell The Musical on 29th May 2018

Motivated Abbi Head, Design Partner at Amoreanto apply for the Creative Springboard Warwickshire Programme with CUE Business Enterprises.


The company’s social media has really developed as a direct result and I have discovered our style and unique selling point. The people who also attended were a great support for each other and we developed a WhatsApp group later tomers will be looking.

“The lifestyle shoot which I invested in after the programme was a great suggestion and it was a really amazing experience where I directed the photos will take advantage of future trends and become a successful business for me and my partner, Tim.

Next year I am applying for the Nat West Accelerato learn more about running a successful business.”

For more information about the CUE’s Technology Start-up project and upcoming events – which are aiming to support new businesses in the field of technology – visit or email

See the New pendant from Amoreantos


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