Taking on Brazil – Business Workshop
When: Monday 10th November 2014
Where: Birmingham Science Park Aston
Cost: Free to eligible West Midlands SMEs
About Brazil:
Brazil is to ignore. It is the fifth-largest country in the world, with a population of approximately 200 million. It has one of the world’s most rapidly developing economies and a GDP per head that is greater than either India or China. It has natural resources in abundance, a developed industrial base and high standards in scientific research. 400 of the world’s 500 largest companies operate in Brazil. These include many UK companies such as Rolls Royce, BG Group, Shell, BP, JCB, Rexam and Experian.
Opportunities for UK businesses in Brazil:
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Creative industries
- Education
- Energy
- Healthcare
- Sports infrastructure
- Marine
- Airports, rail and ports
What you can expect from the workshop:
Presented by Brazil specialist Philip Gray from Commercial Doctor Ltd, the workshop will focus on the following areas:
- Why do business in Brazil?
- Where are the opportunities?
- Major Projects and sector focus:
- 2014 World Cup & Rio 2016 Olympics – build-up and legacy
- Infrastructure Development – urban, air, road, rail, ports
- Oil & Gas
- Healthcare and Education
- Winning and Delivering Business in Brazil – Personal and technical elements
- Creating a strategy to address the Brazilian marketplace – short-term and long-term
- What to do now
Taking on India – Business Workshop
this event has now passed.