European ICT Sectors
AppSkil forms an ICT Secto identify skills needs & mismatches, develop and deliver an appropriate training programme connected with qualification frameworks.
The main results are:
- A validated VET programme and open access learning resources on mobile apps creation skills in 5 EU languages
- 1 “train the trainer”, 5 on-site and online training seminars, 6 dissemination events
- A Memorandum of Understanding for mutual recognition and a Memorandum of Cooperation for the establishment of an EU ICT Skills Council
The AppSkil Alliance will provide staff in ICT with needed mobile apps creation skills but in short supply, enhancing personal development and job performance. Based on the learning outcomes approach, the AppSkil VET programme will promote mutual trust and mobility. ICT enterprises will be able to be integrated in NQFs, EQF.
The Appskil Partners include: Coventry University Enterprises Limited (Co-ordinatomatico (IT), Consorzio Friuli Formazione (IT), Conseil régional de la Formation (BE), Agoria (BE), Business Training (BE), Department of Education. Government of Navarre (ES), Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (ES), Florida Centre de Formació, S.C.V (ES).